The World Needs Your Light

Recently, I was in a monthly meeting with a solopreneur career coaching group I’m in with Val Nelson. Val is an amazing coach who helps introverts and heart-centered people find their way as business owners or in new careers. Our conversations are not only about business, but also about matters of the heart and mind. In our August meeting, during our grounding meditation, I heard my own inner voice speak to me through my feelings of despair over the state of the world. It said, “The world needs your light”. In fact, the world needs all of our light.

Here I was feeling like the horse Artax in The Never-ending Story, and my own voice was Atreyu saying, “you’re letting the sadness of the swamps get to you”! But, in this version, I did not sink into the swamps of sadness. That inner voice told me to shine my light. That we all need to shine our light, now more than ever. Because when the world feels its darkest, the way out is through becoming a beacon of light and hope for yourself and others. I was inspired to create this new piece from the uplifting conversation with my group members that followed.

"The World Needs Your Light" original mixed media illustration by Victoria K. Chapman. A whimsical night sky shines with stars over the earth as a large ghostly tree reaches to the sky. In the tree is a child reaching up to the brightest star.

I’ve been wanting to create a sped-up video to show the creation of an entire art piece. This felt like a great time to try that out. This mixed-media illustration titled, The World Needs Your Light was created using watercolors, gauche, India ink, chalk pastel pencils, and iridescent medium, with digital finishing touches. The video shows the process of creating the traditional portions and is sped up 1700%. If only I actually worked this fast! The music playing over the video is an original song I wrote and recorded under my music project Aqueance titled, “Stay Tonight”. 

I hope you enjoy and keep shining your light!