October Art and Illustration Prompt Events in 2023

Since social media became a regular part of our lives and especially in recent years since the pandemic kept many of us at home, it has become a trend among artists that October is a time to share art prompts. Inktober, created by illustrator Jake Parker in 2009 is one of the most well-known of these art prompt events. It was designed to give fellow artists subject matter to practice their ink drawing skills with. 

But, there are many other art prompt events as well, all of which have different themes and different artistic audiences they appeal to. For the purposes of this post, I’ll be sharing ones specifically of interest to illustrators. The question is… which prompt list(s) should you do? Let’s take a look at just a few of them to get an idea of the options.


Inktober 2023 Official Prompt List. Click to go to the Inktober website.

Website: https://inktober.com/rules
Instagram link: https://www.instagram.com/inktober/
Hashtag: #inktober2023

Inktober was started in 2009 by illustrator Jake Parker. He wanted to give himself motivation to practice working on his ink drawings and develop better drawing habits. Soon enough, others joined in and it became an annual event.

But, in 2020, some controversy arose as Jake decided to trademark the Inktober name, which caused some confusion with a lot of other artists who had been using the name on the pieces they had created. Jake himself explains his reasonings, which includes things like fighting racism and hate. In addition, there were accusations of plagiarism when he tried to publish a book about drawing with ink called Inktober All Year Long that was similar to a book by Alphonso Dunn, Pen & Ink Drawing: A Simple Guide. The publishing of Jake Parker’s book was put on hold. Between the two incidents, many people decided to stop doing Inktober and either started their own art prompt events or joined others.

Nonetheless, Inktober is still going and many people still participate. It’s something to consider doing if you’re looking to improve your inking skills and gain some visibility through a very well-known event. I have friends who have done it and quite enjoyed the prompts and community.

This year’s hashtag is #inktober2023.


Peachtober 2023 Prompt List. Click to go to the Peachtober website.

Website: https://www.furrylittlepeach.com/peachtober
Instagram link: https://www.instagram.com/peachtober/
Hashtag: #peachtober23

Peachtober was started by artist Sha’an d’Anthes (also known as furrylittlepeach). She wanted to create art prompts that sparked imagination but didn’t require any specific medium. Artists can choose whatever medium they like to create their pieces. Her main goal is that they have fun with it. And you’re invited to share your pieces on social media. I did this one in 2021 and it was a lot of fun! I did find it challenging to keep up with the every day prompts, being as busy as I am. But, I managed it and came out with some really cool portfolio pieces in the end. One of my favorites is Love is Love Birds from the prompt “Heart”.

This year, use the hashtag #peachtober23 to participate.

SCBWI Artober

SCBWI Artober Prompt List. Click to view the list on their website.

Website: https://www.scbwi.org/artober
Instagram link: https://www.instagram.com/scbwi/
Hashtag: #scbwiArtober2023

Many of you may know of SCBWI, the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators. This is one of the largest organizations dedicated to the creation of books for kids. SCBWI hosts a monthly illustration prompt event called SCBWI Draw This (use the hashtag #scbwidrawthis) to help illustrators come up with new pieces and share them on social media. In recent years, SCBWI also started their own October art prompt event, SCBWI Artober. They provide a list of daily prompts that are autumn-themed for every day in October that you are invited to draw and share. If you’re a children’s book illustrator, I definitely recommend this one, as it will get eyes on your pieces specific to the KidLit industry. 

This year, you can use the hashtag #scbwiArtober2023.

Undying Tales

Undying Tales Art Prompts for October 2023. Click to view website of the prompts.

Website: https://www.undyingtales.com/
Instagram link: https://www.instagram.com/undyingtales/
Hashtag: #undyingtalesproject

Undying Tales is one of my favorite prompt lists because of its focus on nature and endangered or rare species in the wild. This October art prompt event was founded by illustrator Stephanie Law, who I’ve been a fan of for many years. A nature-lover and advocate for preserving and protecting endangered wildlife and plants, Stephanie Law has a series of books containing her own art from the Undying Tales prompts. She always offers her original pieces for sale at the end of the event too. But, she invites other artists to join in too, and share their work on social media. She provides a name of a rare species to draw every-other day rather than daily. I participated last year with a couple of the prompts and really enjoyed it. My favorite piece that came out of it was the Sierra Nevada Red Fox. And I learned a lot about these rare species too!

You can share your work with the hashtag #undyingtalesproject.


Drawtober 2023 spooky prompt list. Sponsored by xencelabs. Click to view more.

Instagram link: https://www.instagram.com/drawtober/
Discord Server: https://discord.com/invite/qSP8hgB7RC
Hashtag: #drawtober2023

Drawtober is an October art prompt event that specifically focuses on Halloween-themed prompts. These prompts are short phrases that are spooky-themed. Instead of daily prompts, they offer a couple of prompts each week to give artists more time, for a total of eight prompts. This is primarily an Instagram-focused event where everyone in the community is invited to share their own pieces and enjoy each other’s work. You can use any medium you wish, as long as you post it within the window for that prompt. They also pick daily winners and a grand prize winner at the end if you participate on their Discord server

This year, use the hashtag #drawtober2023.

There are many other October drawing prompt events all over Instagram, Deviantart, and social media in general. Just do a search and I’m sure you can find a plethora. Whichever you choose, it’s a fun way to improve your drawing skills and share with your community. You don’t have to dedicate yourself to the whole month either. Do what you can. Either way, you’ll get something out of it. 

What are your favorite drawing prompt events to do? Drop a link in the comments below!

Creating a Growing Family Tree

Working with a local childcare center to create a painting of thanks.

In early March, 2020, Growing Room Child Development Center of Berlin, MA had to temporarily shut its doors for an unknown amount of time due to the COVID-19 pandemic as schools everywhere were forced to do. They were wondering how they would manage to keep their doors open, support their teachers and staff, and when they might ever open again. Through this time, some families stayed on board paying partial tuition to help keep the school from closing its door permanently. Early this year in 2021, they chose to honor those families by commissioning a painting to thank them for their support through the crisis.

"A Growing Family Tree", acrylic mixed media painting by Victoria K. Chapman. A tree, butterflies, and cone flowers in a field with a stream.

I feel so lucky that I had the opportunity to create this painting for this wonderful local learning center. When they mentioned a tree, butterflies, and flowers, it was almost an instant “yes”! Growing Room reached out to me because we have been one of the families to have a child as part of their school. They were excited to hire one of their parents to be the artist for the special piece for their parent room.

The key pieces to this painting were:

  • a large tree to be a center piece
  • colorful butterflies and flowers
  • large enough to take up a good amount of space on a wall, but not a mural
  • and it should include the 45 names of families who supported them

The painting ended up being 36”x48”, which is much larger than I typically work. Because of this, I chose to stray from my typical watercolor mixed media and go with something more suited to large canvases. I chose acrylic paint as the main medium, but used various pens to assist in small details and to add the names. Pens give a smoother look for typography, especially at smaller sizes.

The initial first steps included brainstorming ideas and then sharing of sketches. I presented my friends at Growing Room with three initial sketches, all similar in concept but with some key differences. They ultimately chose sketch #1, which featured a flowing stream and a fox peaking out from behind the tree. I love this phase of the process because I get to explore ideas and come up with creative solutions. The creative thinking piece of art is one of the parts that I enjoy most.

I also took some time to research local and native butterflies and flowers. I chose six species of butterflies native to New England to feature in the painting: monarch, black swallowtail, tiger swallowtail, meadow fritillary, clouded sulfur, and the eastern tailed blue. For the flowers, I chose a native pollinator favorite—cone flowers. Also known as echinacea, the cone flowers come in both purple and orange varieties. To continue the celebration of native pollinators, I added one more pollinator friend—the common bumblebee.

Once the sketch was approved, I moved forward with the final work on canvas. After prepping the canvas and adding white gesso as a base layer, I started by creating pencil outlines on the canvas to block out where all of the elements would be. Going from a 6”x9” drawing to a 36”x48” drawing can be challenging and I wanted to make sure everything was proportional and flowed together on the larger surface. I also penciled in all the family names so I knew I had a spot for each of them that worked with the length of the name. Once the outlines were complete, I took photos to use a reference for when I’d have to add the names back in with pen over the final painting. The names would disappear beneath the paint and I didn’t want to forget where they would be placed.

When I started the paint, I worked from back to front. This means I started with the elements that would be perceived as being in the background and added the foreground elements later. With this in mind, I started first with the sky and the tree line in the back. I found this way of working worked best for acrylics, since they are opaque and can easily be painted over. I layered the finer details over the background colors. The nice thing about acrylics is that they dry relatively quickly. My technique is quite different when I use watercolors, which are transparent.

The canvas I was working on had a gallery style profile, which means the thickness of the canvas off the wall is 1.5”. Because the piece wasn’t going to be framed, I made sure to paint all four of the canvas sides as well. Continuing the scenery around the sides, top, and bottom posed another interesting challenge that I don’t have to contend with when working in watercolors.

After I built up all the paint layers and completed the picture, it was time to add the names back in. I used a pencil to sketch in the names to make sure the lettering was even. Then, when all of the names were placed, the marker was added. I used fine tipped permanent felt markers in different colors to go with the piece of the background the name was on. If the names were in the grass or leaves, I used a dark green marker. If the names were in the water, I used a dark blue marker. To bring the names out just a little more from their backgrounds, I finished them off with a white gel pen to create a highlight around the lettering edges.

Once the names were placed and dry, I added some final touches. To bring a little bit more magic into the piece, I added iridescent medium to the water to give it a hint of shimmer. And to protect the whole piece, I coated the entire canvas in a layer of Gamvar matte varnish. Once completely dry, the hooks and hanging wire were added to the back and the entire piece was wrapped up in cardboard for safe delivery.

It was so exciting to deliver the final piece and unveil it in front of the staff who were there. The excitement and joy on everyone’s faces made the experience completely worth it. I hope this painting continues to bring joy to all of the staff, children, and families at Growing Room. It was an honor to create something beautiful that celebrates families and the joy of nature. I’m so excited to share this with a caring part of the community and I hope for similar opportunities to celebrate art and nature in the future.