“Dissent for the Future” Ruth Bader Ginsburg Portrait Matted Digital Art Print

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"Dissent for the Future" Ruth Bader Ginsburg Portrait Matted Digital Art Print

"Dissent for the Future" Ruth Bader Ginsburg Portrait Matted Digital Art Print
"Dissent for the Future" Ruth Bader Ginsburg Portrait Matted Digital Art Print

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"Dissent for the Future" Ruth Bader Ginsburg Portrait Matted Digital Art Print

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Categories: Art Prints
  • Description

This print is available in 5x7" and 8x10" sizes, fully matted, and signed by the artist.

"Dissent for the Future" is a pen, watercolor, and gel pen painting honoring Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Justice Ginsburg was an icon and beacon of hope for so many marginalized people in the United States. She fought tirelessly for women's right, the rights of LGBTQ+ people, for people of color, and other underrepresented populations. This portrait shares a beacon of hope that future generations will carry RBG's torch of justice and freedom for all. She is shown with a rainbow of colors, representing her fight for equality for all, and wearing her dissent collar, which she wore when dissenting in a vote that went against the values of justice for all.

©2020 Victoria K. Chapman

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